Thursday, September 25, 2014

Holidays are near, Lets get your letterheads and envelopes ready.....

Letterheads & envelopes are great to show your clients that you care during holiday seasons. Send out a coupon or a simple letter of appreciation. Great way to support your business credibility and brand. Creates a formal appearance and distinction.

-West Coast Events & Marketing Team

#westcoasteventmarketing, #advertising, #marketingtipoftheday, #holidays #letterheads

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Marketing Tip of the Day #WestCoastEventMarketing

Image via exchange 4 media
Marketing Tip: Whereas the last marketing tip of the day focused on digital or media advertisements, today's tip highlights the importance of using print advertisements, such as newspapers, magazines, flyers, pamphlets, direct mail, and catalogs. Despite the increasing importance of digital and media advertisements, their print counterparts still have great influence in the marketing and advertising sphere.

So, why choose print...

According to Modern Litho, there are 6 main reasons why despite the media age, print still maintains its power:
  • It's tangible 
    • Whereas you can have a media advertisement every time you watch TV or use the internet, print media is not limited to this. And whereas TV, internet, and radio ads are eventually rotated out of a lineup, a print advertisement has the potential to remain intact and relevant so long as it's kept in the office, on a refrigerator, on a desk, etc.

Image via West Coast Events & Marketing
  • It's credible
    • When printed in a reputable or well-known newspaper or magazine, the readers can be reassured that the company sponsoring the ad is good for credibility and believability. When an advertisement is located in such a newspaper or magazine, their is no question of trusting the brand, services, or products being offered.
Image via "A Prime year in Pictures"
  • It establishes your brand
    • The graphic design printed on an advertisement has the potential to become memorable to the viewer and thus the potential to develop brand recognition in the community. With so many companies competing for the same target audience, having a graphic design with your brand and logo on a tangible advertisement that can be seen day in and day out helps build this recognition.

Image via Sooper Articles
  • It helps you with your target market
    • Through collaboration with a marketing consultant, you have the potential to determine which magazines and newspapers to publish in that would be effective in reaching your target audience. For example, a company that provides pet services would not completely benefit from advertising in a women's lifestyle magazine or a men's workout and fitness magazine. Rather, it would be more effective in the home section of a newspaper or a family themed magazine. Working with a marketing consultant would also allow you determine which other forms of print media (i.e. flyers, door hangers, brochures, catalogs) would be effective in reaching your specified audience.
Image via West Coast Events and Marketing
  • It's more engaging
    • According to Modern Litho, "Websites are often skimmed in as little as 15 seconds per visit. When a customer or prospect reads a printed material, they are more engaged for a longer period of time. On average, a consumer spends 43 minutes reading a magazine." 

Image via Genevieve Knowles
  • With more companies going completely digital and abandoning print all together, there are more opportunities to advertise your brand through print.
Image via West Coast Event and Marketing

If you are interested in collaborating with a marketing consultant or incorporating print media into your advertising strategy, please contact West Coast Events and Marketing at (888) 654-3460. And for more information about print advertisements or other services West Coast Events and Marketing offers, please visit the website by clicking, HERE.


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Marketing Tip of the day #WestCoastEventMarketing

Image via Princessa
Recap: The last Marketing Tip of the Day discussed the importance of collaborating with a Marketing Consultant when it came to determining a business and marketing strategy. It also briefly mentioned the packages that West Coast Event and Marketing's consultants could possibly create based on the individual need and budget.There are different modes and methods of advertising that West Coast Events and Marketing believes could be used to market your brand and communicate your message. These include but are not limited to print, outdoor, and media.
Image via Mashable

Today's marketing tip of the day focuses on the latter: media advertisements, which include Television, Radio, and Internet. In today's highly digitized and electronic world, media is increasingly important as a source of entertainment and information. To the right is an info-graphic regarding the average amount of time a typical American spends using electronic media. If American consumers are likely to spend this much time on electronic media on a daily basis, then there are plenty of opportunities for you, the owner and entrepreneur, to capitalize on these forms to present and share your message in the local community.

So let's get started with the three most popular and effective forms of media advertising.....


Image via Startups FM
Image via Leads on Demand
  •  In recent years especially since the boom in smartphone demand and usage, the internet has become not only a tool for entertainment but also one for the exchange of information and communication. Thus, to utilize an online form of advertising would be an effective method with regards to affordability, practicality, and visibility. There are several ways in which online advertising can be used: 1) social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.), 2) a company or personal website with information about brand, services, etc., and lastly 3) advertisements on webpages that appear based on search criteria
  • So what are the benefits of online/internet marketing....

    • Increase brand or product awareness through online branding
    • Allow you to keep up to date with changing demands
    • Consumers have instant and constant access to products, services, and information
    • Cost efficiency as you can start off using social media to establish yourself and your company online
    • Increase web traffic which leads to an increase in sales
    • Customization as your particular strategy can allow for ads to be placed on websites and pages where your targeted audience will see
    • Maintain communication with your customers
    • Improve credibility with constant presence and assistance 
               ***Taken from AGI Marketing Solutions' "10 Reasons Internet Marketing is 
                Important to your Business" ***


Image via Recruitment Advisor
  •   Despite the steady rise of usage and importance of the internet, "television advertising is still the most pervasive and powerful tool for reaching U.S. consumers" - All Business
  •  "According to one recent study, the average American spends more than four and a half hours a day in front of the tube- and a whopping 99% of all U.S. households have at least one TV" - All Business
  •  Television ads differ from other types of advertising media because it allows you to create a visual story to present your message and thus relate to your audience. With the help from a marketing consultant, TV ads have the ability to let the personality and identity of your company and brand really stand out among competitors.
  • Additionally, through TV ads, you have the potential to reach a wide range of viewers and captivate their attention in a single moment when they tune in to watch a popular program or broadcast.


Image via All Access Music Group
  • In comparison to television advertisements, radio ads are seen as lower in cost as well as a more surrounding form of media
    • "In a single week, radio reaches more than 228 million Americans. That's [about] 94% of everyone age 12 and older... [In addition] Radio is mobile. 80% of adults listen to radio in their cars, and a quarter of the population also listens while at work" - Entrepreneur 
  •  If you're interested in this form of media, a marketing consultant can help you determine:
    • your target audience (age, gender, income, etc.)
    • the reach, frequency, and cost-per-point of your advertisement
    • sponsorships, such as for weather reports or news segments over the radio or physical sponsorships at radio events
    • how to both inform and entertain your listeners effectively
               ***Taken from Entrepreneur's "4 Keys to Radio Advertising" ***

If you are interested in speaking or working with a marketing consultant with regards to any of the aforementioned media forms of advertisement, please contact West Coast Events & Marketing at (888) 654-3460.